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Tips on being productive at home during Quarantine:

1) Setting goals each day.

To increase productivity, setting goals each day has been found effective. A Harvard Business study revealed outstanding statistics in relation to setting goals and being successful.  The study shows that 14% of people who have goals are 10 times more successful than those without goals. The 3% with written goals were 3 times more successful than the 14% with unwritten goals. These goals can be work related, mental health related, or physical health related. Write it down and get it done.

2) Starting the day off right.

When you first wake up what is it the first thing you do? A new study from IDC Research released this week found that 80% of smartphone users check their mobile devices within 15 minutes of waking up each morning. That’s insane! You can probably guess that the 20% who don’t are more productive. Creating a healthy morning routine is crucial for maximum productivity. So, when you wake up tomorrow try starting the first 30 minutes of your morning without your cell phone. Those messages will still be there.

3) A good workspace.

When working from home it can be very hard to be productive in a poor environment. Keeping your desk/workspace clean is very important for increasing productivity. A Harvard study found that students who worked in a clutter-free workspace were able to work steadily for 7.5 minutes longer than the students in a cluttered workspace. Along with keeping your workspace organized, it should also be well lit and in a place free from distraction. A well-lit workspace reduces strain on the eyes and improves performance. Obviously, those in a workspace free from distraction will get much more work done than those in a distracting environment.

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